Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Kathy and I went to see Avatar the other day. I thought it was super cool.
I have this memory of Kathy and I sitting in front of a Safeway grocery store with a petition for people to sign warning them of the greenhouse affect and us trying to get them to ban aerosols so this wouldn't happen. Most looked like us like we were from outer space.
We fought for a lot of things back then, like saving our Redwood Forests, not driving so much, etc. We were radical conservationists. Now the biggest movie of all time is about that same subject. Our off the wall concerns of the 60s is now the subject ot the biggest movie ever. I am not sure that is a good thing. What it means is that we were right but we were not effective in stopping global warming. It is nice not to be thought of a radical conservationist but as someone who has real and proven concerns about our future.
However that is not what this blog is about. It is about the "Avatar Blues". People who have seen this movie go home depressed because they think the planet Pandora is so beautiful and reality is not. I heard the craziest quote, some teenager wished we had 3D all the time. Is that child on a computer all the time?
Like I said I loved this movie, I liked the theme and yes I though Pandora was awesome... but I love the desert, and I think where I live is even more awesome then Pandora. I think our world is more awesome. I think our world is worth saving also. The photos are random, they are places I have been the last year. People who have Avatar Blues need to go outside, go for a walk, though I would recommend a mountain bike ride down some fast trail to wake up their senses and to see and feel what our 3D world looks and feels like.
Take care.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


It is now official I am a Canadian Citizen. I wrote about this last Spring and today I found out is now official. I am pretty well chuffed about this. I am not sure exactly why. My mom grew up in Canada and met my Dad when she worked in Waterton Park and he worked in Glacier park after WW II. They got married and lived in Montana just south of the Canadian Border. I have many early memories of of crossing the border to see all of my Canadian Relatives. I started school in Canada. I remember saying zed and finding out it was the same as Zee.
I went to Calgary for the 88 Olympics and thinking this was part of me, but not thinking it would be anything more than a thought.
Last year Canada decided to do something about all the Canadians that were made to renounce their Citizenship when they became United States Citizens. I fit into that because Mom was a Canadian when I was born. I am not sure what I will do being a Canadian. I might race in the Canadian National Cyclo Cross championships, I may travel to Cuba, I doubt I would move up to the great white north but it could happen.
It is ironic that when we had Bush as president I was ready to move to a country that was closer to my politics and Canada was a choice. Now that I am Canadian it is their government that I don't agree with. I guess it shows one that staying home and trying to affect change is better than running away.
It feels good to have what I have felt for a long time official.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Last Sunday morning I got a call from Jeff Burnard. I haven't seen Jeff for a few years, I think it was at a cross race in Portland in fact. Jeff is one of the founders of Mrazek Bicycles. Though they haven't made any bicycles for a few year most of us locals know the name from one of our most popular mountain bike trails.
I keep track of Jeff through is uncle who I have been racing with for the last 10 years. When Jeff comes to town he likes to call his friends and go for a ride. What a better way to reacquaint oneself with old friends than doing something we all like to do.
So bunch of us showed up, Mike from Hutches, Phil and his son Eric, JP, Alex and Carl, who both used to race with Jeff on the Mrazek pro team. Out to Horse Ridge we went. It was quite balmy for early January, almost 50 degrees. The trail was in perfect condition lower down and then there was a bit of ice, not bad just enough to make it interesting. Sand Canyon was in perfect condition. Of course I see Carl out riding all the time. It would be a lie to say I ride with him but our paths cross frequently in the woods, at races etc. I do get out with Phil from time to time. Us old guys have to stick together. I haven't ridden with Alex since he was a teenager (now he is married with children). He still flies down the hills. I don't know if he remembers but I once taught a mountain bike class at COCC that was enrolled in. I wonder if he learned anything that day. It was a fun day, good to get out with some guys I haven't been with for years.
I was telling this story to a friend and he asked if the Phil I was riding with is the famous Phil. I said if you mean the guy who's name is on our most popular trail system, yes.
I have know Phil from the beginning of our central Oregon trails. I had the honor to ride Phil's trail a day or so after he built it. He called a group of friends to check out his latest project. I have had the honor to help him build a couple of trails. Yes Phil is a real guy. Next spring we are going to have a meet Phil night at Sunnyside Sports . Deschutes Brewery with supply us with some Phil's Trail Ale and you will get a chance to talk to the mythical Phil.
Take care,

Friday, January 1, 2010


My Mom asked me and Kathy last night if we had any New Year's resolutions. I realized that I don't make New Year's resolutions. I like to think that I am very present in my life and everyday I am doing the thing I want to do at the moment. This doesn't mean I don't look to the future and have goals, it does mean I am not looking for a day to change some habit and become a better person. I try to do that everyday. I have a goal, for example to weigh 155 pounds. This would allow me to race faster, be healthier and weigh less than Jacob. I have not been very successful in this goal for different reasons. One is a food group I am fond of called cookies. I seem to hover around 160. I think I would have made it this year, but then I hurt my back and I was not able to do any long rides this fall. I know I could have eaten less but it just didn't happen.
Still that is not a New Year's resolution because it is a goal I have everyday.
I hope I do not need resolutions that would make me a better person as I work hard at being the best I can be everyday.
I do have wishes for the New Year. Good health for me and everyone I know, more time spent with my sweetheart, continued success at Sunnyside Sports, and hopefully a trip to see my friends in Scotland. I guess I could add World Peace etc... but that is something I consider everyday.
I am looking forward to 2010 (the first time I have written the year) as I get ready to enter my 7th decade. I hope to spend more time with the friends I have and hopefully meet new friends.
Happy New Year ! everyone and I would like to think your resolutions or wishes come true.