Thursday, December 24, 2009


Cyclocross season is over for me, though the pros are in Europe getting ready for the big event - worlds. I decided I could go out and try the mountain bike. The rides were short but very fun. I went out to Horse Ridge three times. The first day it was close to 55 and quite warm, the next day started out warm but then this cloud came by, the temperature dropped 10 degrees and it started to snow. The next day was probably a perfect ski day but I had arranged to go to Horse Ridge with Serena, Ben and Renee. It turned out to be my favorite condition, two inches of fresh snow on hard dirt. Somewhat slick but extra fun. Except for the cold feet afterwords it was a perfect day.
I had to throw in some photos of some pies Kathy and I made. The one for the Team cyclocross party is my all time favorite. It has the distinctive smoke stacks which was the backdrop of the Nationals race course, you can see the crowd and the racers. Kathy is amazing.
I have also done my share of skiing. A couple of days with Mary and Mike, Serena joined us for one of those days. The skiing has been very good, though last Saturday for the Nancy P's classic race the conditions were horrendous. I like the change of seasons. I like to ski, and do my winter mountain bike rides. This year the mountain bike will even be more fun as I missed the fall season.
I am planning a trip to Mallorca this spring, if you are a reader and are interested please email me at . We will be going in early March.

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