Saturday, March 14, 2009


I have been writing about my Mallorca trip the last couple of weeks. I am now in Scotland watching a Rugby match on the tele with some English friends, who live in Peebles, Scotland. I will get to that in another blog. 
A couple of blogs ago I wrote about all the cyclists that came over with me from Oregon. We met up with another group of cyclists from Scotland. These are friends I have met up with for almost ten years now. It all started with big Kev. He is the tall lad in the right hand photo. He came in to Sunnyside Sports on a bike tour from San Diego to Portland. He had heard that Bend had good mountain biking trails. We talked and I told him we did and I would give him a tour of some of our trails. He ended up staying a week, doing Pickett's Charge mountain bike race. He invited me to visit him in Scotland (we did) and then one year he invited me to come to Mallorca for a spring training camp. I have now been meeting a group from Scotland for 7 years now. 
That was a long story.  I will continue this in a later blog. For now I will just say this is a great group of friends. I feel like I have two homes, Bend and the Borders in Scotland. 
I will be coming home on Monday, I am looking forward to being home again. I have one more day in Scotland which I will enjoy to the most.
Take Care

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